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Wall Art and Feng shui

Did you know by switching up or changing out things on your wall can enhance feelings of well being and even increase your productivity? Pretty cool, huh?. Why do I believe such a statement? Well, because I've done it many times, but without realizing the benefits. All I know is that when I'd move things around or hang something new on my walls, I felt super charged and happily content. Wouldn't this concept be related to the Feng shui idea? I think so, but decide for yourself here. Interesting stuff, huh?

what is even more fun than interesting, at least for me, is Pinterest. Haven't heard of it yet? See what I'm talking about here. But fair warning, my friends, this site is that of the addiction type. There, I have forewarned you so you cannot mention my name in any way, shape, or form when your hubby, child, dog, or any other person or thing threatens immediate consequences for lack of attention.

I have yet to hang anything on my walls because of the state of our home (one.big.fat.mess), but thanks to Pinterest I have collected a whole bunch of lovely ideas when that time comes. I wanted to share these ideas with you because that's how I roll....I like to share ideas. :) Hopefully by sharing some of these ideas you may feel inclined to share back any of your wall art ideas that are Feng shui inspired . You might even feel impressed to share a link to your Pinterest Boards so I may add another hour to my Pinterest addiction. Hey, no judging now, their mantra is "Happy Pinning" and pinning makes me happy. ♥

Oh the things that can be done with vintage windows.

I'm loving the open frame on the mirror with the single letter in center.

I really have a thing for Subway art. Then add a wreath...♥
 How creative is this message board!? Chicken wire? Too CUTE!

 Wow! I'm wondering if the artist is for hire.


 A reason to collect old china antique plates. Love it!

Who would have thought? 

Another shutter idea. Definitely on the to-do list. 

Another, who would have thought? Curtain rods are not just for curtains anymore.

I'm officially on a mad hunt for ornate frames. Love this!


Horse Hair, Mud and a Can of Worms

Ok, so our first "little" project was to prep and paint a couple of the walls in the dining area so I could mount  
 an antique fireplace mantle I found sitting outside in the rain at an antique store. Really? Out in the rain? Yep, I was shocked, appalled, and down right annoyed at the site of this beautiful piece of art just leaning on the outside wall of this po-dunk shop. I felt so sorry for it that I decided to give it a new home. Trust me when I say it wasn't a hard decision. It really was love at first sight. :)  I quickly determined a new place to mount this little pretty and told the hubs to get to work. He is such a good sport and shares my enthusiasm for DIY repair and remodeling. Except when things are not what they seem....

The wall I pegged to place the mantle on was kind of uneven and rough in texture. We decided the mantle would look best if the wall was smooth and even. Not a hard thing to fix...HA! The first coat of mud produced bubbles (1) which indicated the walls were not of the drywall type. Uh-Oh! With a couple of taps with the hammer (2), we also discovered that the walls were super soft UH-OH! What the???? So, the question for you all is, what do you get when you mix mud and horse hair together? Yeah, I didn't know either, but you get mortar 1847 style (3 & 4) oh! and one. big. fat. mess!!!  This type of stuff doesn't leave a nice little white dusting, the kind you get when you sand drywall. This stuff leaves a coating of dust, of the dirt kind, that when one tries to wipe it up it immediately turns to brown icky mud! UGH!

Did I mention my hubby shares in my enthusiasm for DIY home repairs and remodel....EXCEPT when things are not what they seem? Yeah, this is what I'm talking about.

And what about the can of worms? Well, it's like this. In an effort to minimize the spreading of dust during the demolition process, the hubs thought it would be wise to mask off the area with plastic and open a couple of windows, with a couple of fans blowing through one window and out another. Windows are a great tool for many things like gazing out to see the beautiful trees, flowers or birds and on occasion weird people walking down the side walk. Another super cool thing windows can do is provide, when open, a way to let a nice breeze pass through the house. This can really cut down on the electric bill. I like that. :) However, when someone paints and caulks shut every stinkin' window in a house in an effort to weatherize the home, our idea of minimizing the dust during demolition is not going to materialize. GRRRRRR!!!! 

Hunny, will you please open the can of worms? With a hammer, putty knife, and a few swipes of a blade, we were able to pop open one window (1) and break another, which was the least of our worries since upon opening one particular window we discovered dry rot on the window frame. (2&3) Hmmmm....anyone want to guess on how many more windows we might find like this once they are pried open and released from their painted and caulking prison? *Big sigh* perhaps another day. :) be continued.

A Staircase 1880's style

 Wow!, Whew! Oh My! Really?! and any other descriptive word you can think of that might describe how one feels after a move. Yep, that would describe me and my family at this moment in time. But nevertheless, we are EXCITED to be in our new/old home! The projects have already begun, those that were planned and others that we had no idea about. That post will be coming soon. :/

Anyway, so many have been asking to see pictures and I've not complied simply because there wasn't anything to show except a home full of boxes, literally, not kidding, honest Engine. Now that most of the boxes have been emptied and stuff has found a new place (well at least for now) I've started to snap some pics here and there to show all you inquisitive types. :) Trust me, I'm one of those types too. Suspense just kills me. HA!

Here is the staircase of the home. The main portion of the house was built in 1847 and then a second addition was added in 1880. The staircase was part of the second addition. As you can see it was all about detail back in the day. Be-ut-i-full! dontcha think?

 View from the front door.
Looking up. Love the turn in the railing. How did they do that?
View from the side.
