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Wall Art and Feng shui

Did you know by switching up or changing out things on your wall can enhance feelings of well being and even increase your productivity? Pretty cool, huh?. Why do I believe such a statement? Well, because I've done it many times, but without realizing the benefits. All I know is that when I'd move things around or hang something new on my walls, I felt super charged and happily content. Wouldn't this concept be related to the Feng shui idea? I think so, but decide for yourself here. Interesting stuff, huh?

what is even more fun than interesting, at least for me, is Pinterest. Haven't heard of it yet? See what I'm talking about here. But fair warning, my friends, this site is that of the addiction type. There, I have forewarned you so you cannot mention my name in any way, shape, or form when your hubby, child, dog, or any other person or thing threatens immediate consequences for lack of attention.

I have yet to hang anything on my walls because of the state of our home (one.big.fat.mess), but thanks to Pinterest I have collected a whole bunch of lovely ideas when that time comes. I wanted to share these ideas with you because that's how I roll....I like to share ideas. :) Hopefully by sharing some of these ideas you may feel inclined to share back any of your wall art ideas that are Feng shui inspired . You might even feel impressed to share a link to your Pinterest Boards so I may add another hour to my Pinterest addiction. Hey, no judging now, their mantra is "Happy Pinning" and pinning makes me happy. ♥

Oh the things that can be done with vintage windows.

I'm loving the open frame on the mirror with the single letter in center.

I really have a thing for Subway art. Then add a wreath...♥
 How creative is this message board!? Chicken wire? Too CUTE!

 Wow! I'm wondering if the artist is for hire.


 A reason to collect old china antique plates. Love it!

Who would have thought? 

Another shutter idea. Definitely on the to-do list. 

Another, who would have thought? Curtain rods are not just for curtains anymore.

I'm officially on a mad hunt for ornate frames. Love this!


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